Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Murder at the Vicarage Quote II

"I've bought two books on Household Management and one on Mother Love, and if that doesn't turn me out a pattern I don't know what will! They are all simply screamingly funny—not intentionally, you know. Especially the one about bringing up children."
"You haven't bought a book on How to Treat a Husband, have you?" I asked, with sudden apprehension as I drew her to me.
"I don't need to," said Griselda. "I'm a very good wife. I love you dearly. What more do you want?"
"Nothing," I said.
"Could you say, just for once, that you love me madly?"
"Griselda," I said—"I adore you! I worship you! I am wildly, hopelessly and quite unclerically crazy about you!"

-The Murder at the Vicarage, Agatha Christie

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